Wednesday, 12 October 2011

refinements _ concept board

finalising my concept board and tidying bits and pieces up for it as it is probably about time to do that. also in class yesterday a very valid point came up ... what is my point of difference ??!! i didn't have one but the teacher suggested that because my concept is about melting ice caps due to global warming, i could consider the effects on the environment ... which i have kind of and my whole aim is for the issue to be a lighter approach, to inform and have fun rather than to stress out and die .

and she mentioned that i could look into sustainable fabrics etc. i think this could be quite a fantastic idea, and so i will look into it, but what i am doing is considering paper stock which is recycled to make a difference in that aspect for now. i choose this idea as advertising on print is generally very cheap if the quality i mass produced and harmful chemicals are used to "whiten" the paper. i want to utilise recycled natural paper in my boards as i do not know if i will be able to find organic cottons etc. i will try but we'll see .

anyway, i have attached my concept board on white paper and what it could possibly look like if it was to be printed on an off white recycled stock .

concept board _ white ____

concept board _ recycled paper stock ____

the size remains at standard a3 however the shape inside is ragged and i have chosen to not full flush print it. my collection and concept is about shapes and excitement and i believe that if it is all to the edges and standard, it will not be as exciting :]

that is all i have for now .


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