examine portfolio work from assignment 1 _ concept / mood board, line- up, synopsis and any other relevant material ____
in 1-2 sentences write down a summary of what your concept was for assignment 1? ____
my topic was global warming with its effects on ice caps and the earth we live on. i wanted to take a lighter approach to the matter because although it is a serious matter we have on our hands, there isn’t much we can do now that it is on its way due to the lack of care we have given our home.
be honest with yourself- and critically evaluate the following _ this is your opportunity to say it clearer or more effectively !! ____
[ 1 ] was your message clear in your concept board and your design work?
[ 2 ] what were you trying to say/express/represent? remind yourself?
[ 3] can you say it better?
[ 1 ] i’m not actually entirely sure. i think i did pretty good in the design work but maybe my concept board wasn’t strong enough. i have to admit, the one i handed in was a disaster . . .
[ 2 ] i wanted to give the sense of melting through my work. icy and fresh.
[ 3 ]of course, there are always better ways to do things or say things. it is a matter of how and if you are thinking on the one way or the other. for me, there could have definitely been more to show if i had more time. i say this because with design, there is always more !
fill in the answers to this checklist ____
[ 1 ] what was important in the last collection?
[ 2 ] what aspect do you want to expand on?
[ 3 ] is your design signature emerging?
[ 4 ] what worked?
[ 5 ]what can you edit out?
[ 1 ] the color palette, the use of quadrilaterals and the contrast of the fabrics [ heavy vs light ]
[ 2 ] i really want to play more with mashing un-traditionally mashed up fabric types. oh and also the cut out effects on the garments
[ 3 ] on a visual aspect in terms of illustrations, yes. however, in terms of the garment designing aspect, i am unsure at this point
[ 4 ] the technique of sewing the quads together to form a specific feature of the garments.
[ 5 ] probably the intricate beading that was used and also possibly floor length gowns with a train. . . not exactly sweet wear if you know what i mean .