Saturday, 24 September 2011

concepts _ written synopsis _ draft

the ideal world would be a world with no war, no poverty and no discrimination. but it seems clear that the world we live in is not perfect. in addition to the issues mentioned earlier a problem we are facing at this stage is global warming. the warming of the earth due to greenhouse gases threatening and causing species to become extinct has been in existence for many years now and will continue to do so for the years ahead. the ice caps are melting and causing islands to flood over and extreme weather conditions are more frequent than ever .

but what can we do ? how can we stop it ? there must be a way, right ? wrong, there is no way to "stop it" from happening as such, now that it has begun. we can however, only slow down the increased damage caused but we have to focus all our time and effort into it. it is either that or the much preferred, "think about what is happening, try your best and chill out. relax. don't kill yourself over it. have some fun" .

the main concept of my collection is treating global warming like you would a good friend. there is no point getting frustrated, angry and stressed out about it, you need to chill and have some fun. although the consequences are extreme, things will be just fine .

the focal point is looking at the melting of the ice caps and pushing that idea into fashion and garment. there are many shapes incorporated into the designs including triangles, quadrilaterals and circles. the triangles and quadrilateral forms depict the solid make-up of ice while combining the circles will show a softer more delicate touch to the garments to represent the slow melting of the ice. another aspect is the color palette which acts as the "tip of the iceberg". it is used as a surprise element that ties everything together and gives the entire collection a bit of fun .

enjoy .


research _ jacket deconstruction ?

thought it was time to take a break from drawing people and to take a closer look at a tailored jacket. i got this one from dotti, and i love it. its a tan corduroy fabric and fits wonderfully. anyway, i looked at the details and "deconstructed"it to find the basic pieces that are used to create it.


concepts _ model drawings

i needed a template to base my conceptual designs on and i hate taking other people's template and working off those. plus i wanted them to look like they have attitude which would make the seeking of potential stances more time consuming so i decided to draw them myself. i am very much a 'pretty-much-do-everything-myself' kind of designer unless completely necessary .

here is what i cam up with after viewing photo shoots and fashion illustrations. indeed they are very rough at this stage, but i will tidy up and hopefully i will have garments on these babies which will be awesome .

another thing i might work on right now, maybe after tidying up the lines, will be to create back view of my templates. exciting !

PLEASE if you want to copy or take or use my work, can you reference this or acknowledge that this is my work, thanks .
